Make a New Beginning with the Sungkyun Times!

  • Reporter. 홍채린
  • 입력 2023.02.25 09:57
  • 수정 2023.02.26 23:40

Did our new, aesthetic front cover attract you to open our magazine? The Sungkyun Times (SKT) has been greatly redesigned from the start of the new year. We have renewed our cover layout, which had remained unchanged for a number of years. Even so, the transition goes on — the SKT’s logo has been upgraded! We thought that the previous logo design could not fully indicate SKT as the official English magazine of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). The emblem now embodies dark and light green colors that better represent SKKU and capture our identity.

Furthermore, open page 37 of our magazine! You will be introduced to our new section, Kingo Board. This page provides various information about student organizations and clubs at SKKU. To help Kingos enjoy a more informative and diverse campus life, we have decided to publish multiple announcements and event details through our paper. I hope this new section brings our readers closer to us. Last but not least, our website has been beautifully remodeled to improve accessibility, so have a look at it when you have time: search The Sungkyun Times on Google!

Now, the SKT waits for new reporters for more leaps forward! Why don’t you become one of us and narrate the history of SKKU and the pioneers ahead? I am sure your four semesters will be more meaningful with the SKT. Also, we need your creative ideas and strong opinions. This copy has a recruitment poster on page 40, so please feel free to refer to it if you are interested! To meet us in person, visit our promotion booth from February 27th to March 3rd on campus. We will be there with open arms!

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