Experiencing Korea, beyond Imagination

  • Reporter. 강민주
  • 입력 2023.03.30 00:19
Joao Vasco Almeida Sobral Siborro Reis, Exchange Student
Joao Vasco Almeida Sobral Siborro Reis, Exchange Student

Q1. Please introduce yourself.

Hi, my name is Vasco, and I am a 21-year-old graduate student from Portugal. I come from the University of Lisbon, and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).

Q2. Why did you choose Korea and SKKU?

My brother was an exchange student in South Korea six years ago at Inha University. From then on, the desire to experience the same adventures grew inside me. I also chose Korea for my exchange experience due to my interest in fashion and AI. I feel like there is no other country that can be compared to South Korea in terms of fashion. Also, as my major is related to AI, I thought of taking related courses at SKKU, one of the best universities in a technologically developed country.

Q3. How is your life at SKKU?

I arrived at SKKU alone, not knowing anyone. However, I was amazed by the structure of the university. Also, I enjoy having classes again as I love the professors and the classroom vibes. The way the professors recognize me and remember my name makes me feel close to them. It is something that I have never experienced before.

Q4. Do you have any advice for students coming to SKKU as exchange or international students?

My first advice is to make as many Korean friends as possible because they love to embrace foreigners, and it is great to know those from different cultures. Another thing I think that works well in SKKU is the student clubs. They are a great opportunity to make lots of friends and retain special experiences. HIClub, a club promoted by the university, allows exchange students to get direct contact with Korean friends by exchanging help and having fun together. There are no exact words to describe how I feel about my time here, which has been the best six months of my life. It makes me tear up to think that I will have to return to my country one day.

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