When Writing Becomes Passion: Journalist Choi Hoon-gil

  • Reporter. 홍은지
  • 입력 2023.03.30 01:17
  • 수정 2023.04.01 09:16

From the emergence of a chatbot that speaks like a human to the intense volatility of the financial markets – every day, the world rapidly changes. Amongst these events stand reporters that work day and night to deliver the dynamics of our world to the people. This month, the Sungkyun Times (SKT) looks into the journalistic life of Choi Hoon-gil, a passionate reporter who is a graduate of the Department of Polymeric System and Engineering (current Polymeric Engineering) at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) – and is even a former reporter of the SKT!


Choi Hoon-gil, Veteran Reporter

Q1. Please introduce yourself.

Hello, I am a debt capital market conductor for Edaily. I have 16 years of experience in the field and have worked in various departments such as the social, political, and economic quarters. I might even introduce myself as “a reporter who experienced most quarters in the building!”

Q2. What made you dream of becoming a journalist, and what aspect during your time at SKKU helped you achieve that?

As a freshman, I wanted to try something I could only do once in a lifetime. That led me to a conclusion: being a reporter would be an experience I could have only during my school years since I was an engineering undergraduate. Therefore, I knocked on SKT’s doors. Nonetheless, my five semesters in the SKT made me fall deeper into the charm of journalism. The zest of meeting people from numerous backgrounds, the fulfillment of working for a better society, and my throbbing heart from covering urgent scenes – all filled me with enthusiasm. These precious experiences have motivated me to work in journalism.

Q3. You majored in Engineering. What made you become interested in economics?

The idea of “putting everything in and doing my best at any moment” has pushed me so far. Polymer Engineering was my major, but my experiences in the SKT have made me eager to study our society more deeply. Also, as I started my job as a reporter, I realized deeply what the term “power fell to the market” meant. Thus, I decided to cover economic issues to inspect the market closed and find out what a sustainable economy is. Now I work during weekdays and study for a master’s degree in Public Policy at the Korea Development Institute on weekends.


To Bring Journalism Alive

Q4. You cover various issues apart from stories regarding the debt capital market. By what standards do you pick your topics?

To choose topics to cover, I consider whether my article can excite me, race the readers’ hearts, and most importantly “hwaiting (vitalize) our social issues.” Oh, this is a phrase often used among reporters instead of agenda settings. In other words, I choose topics that can create a public agenda by covering issues that our society must discuss and work on.

Q5. Was there any difficulty during your time as a reporter?

When I was at the SKT, I was threatened by gangsters. Back then, there were some thugs that solicited freshmen on our campus. I got caught taking a photo of the tout scene and was forcefully dragged out. Thankfully, some passersby helped me out of the situation. After I became an actual reporter, I remember being frightened by illegal brothel owners. There was a time when I covered a brothel district in Daegu with a human rights inspection team. That night, more than a hundred owners backlashed, physically threatening us by surrounding our vehicles.

Q6. What do you think are the charms of being a journalist?

This job has numerous charms. First, it can make the world a better place. To illustrate further, after I criticize things that can harm citizens, I see the problems fixed later on. Second, it allows you to meet all kinds of people. Unlike other jobs, journalists can contact anyone and set foot in scenes difficult for others to enter. Lastly, reporters are free from office hours. No one will interrupt you if you submit your work just in time.

Choi Hoon-gil Winning “Journalist of the Month” (edaily.co.kr)
Choi Hoon-gil Winning “Journalist of the Month” (edaily.co.kr)

Q7. Can you share a memorable experience you had as a journalist?

There was a time I made powerful changes through an article. On August 27th, 2018, I published a headline titled “Former Chief of Statistics Korea Cries Out Unfair Replacement for Uncooperating with the Upper Line.” Back then, as the head of Statistics Korea retired, she remarked that her position got replaced as she did not cooperate with the Blue House’s orders. I conducted an exclusive interview regarding this statement, and the coverage spread like wildfire nationwide. This led Statistics Korea to be investigated by the state after 28 years and also granted me the “Journalist of the Month” award. Through this experience, I realized the power of journalism and how good and proper reports can change the world.


Dream Passionately, Live Brilliantly

Q8. What is your philosophy regarding journalism?

Criticism and coverage are the life of journalism. A reporter must be able to make sharp criticisms regarding injustice issues. Moreover, journalists should be able to give “diverse and unbiased criticisms” to protect the authenticity of their analysis. Subsequently, reporters must set foot in actual scenes they cover to bring journalism to life. I believe objectivity and broad knowledge are elements to actualize these. Though, I recently started to realize the importance of physical stamina.

Q9. Any last words for Kingos who dream of a career in journalism?

The path to becoming a journalist is full of uncertainty, which can tempt you to give up midway. Although I still have a long way to go, when I look back on the road I traveled and see where my life is now, I realize becoming a reporter was the right choice. Therefore, dear Kingos, never stop dreaming passionately.

Choi Hoon-gil at a Briefing (“3Pro TV” Youtube Channel)
Choi Hoon-gil at a Briefing (“3Pro TV” Youtube Channel)


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