Largest Budget in History Invested in the First Half of the Year

  • Reporter. 유지영
  • 입력 2023.03.30 10:19
Finance Executive Vice Ministers Conference (
Finance Executive Vice Ministers Conference (

On February 21st, the Ministry of Economy and Finance(MOEF) held the Finance Executive Vice Ministers Conference to announce the expanded budget in the first half year to be ₩383 trillion, which is the largest amount in Korean history. The ministry stated that the budget had been mostly drawn up for central and local finance, public institutions, and private enterprises. Specifically, ₩158 trillion and ₩171 trillion will be invested into central and local finance, and ₩34.8 trillion for public institutions, respectively. Furthermore, the budget will relieve living expense burdens caused by rapid inflation and global economic recession. As the economic burden is relatively high for underprivileged people and small business owners, the government will select and execute various financial programs up to ₩56 trillion to support them. Approximately ₩31.1 trillion will be invested in programs to fund the working classes and low-income youth. For the working classes, funds for lump-sum deposit fraud victims and those with student loans will be made. Assistance for young people will also be provided, including sanitary towel support services for adolescents. Regarding these programs, Choi Sangdae, the second Vice Minister of the MOEF, said, “No one should be unable to gain necessary support due to a lack of information. Hence, frontline local governments and related organizations should select the appropriate financial programs.”

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