The Power of Writing

  • Reporter. 박성결
  • 입력 2023.08.27 16:25

Writing is truly amazing. You may have heard of this renowned saying — “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Indeed, the powerful ability of writing to tug at people’s heartstrings is undeniable. Nevertheless, the impact of writing is most potent when the rights of its writer are respected. When writers can write what they genuinely wish to express, their work can have the power to deeply resonate with readers.

Therefore, I decided to take my first bold step with the Sungkyun Times (SKT). Since this semester, a brand-new section called Editorial has been introduced in the SKT. Unlike other articles, the Editorial section does not adhere to a fixed form; reporters have the freedom to fill its pages with diverse topics of their choice. In the September issue, two articles titled Generalization of a Generation: When Satire Is No Longer Satire and A Truly Global University… for Those Who Can Afford It marked the beginning of the Editorial. Starting with these marvelous pieces, I expect the Editorial section to let our reporters express their thoughts freely about various issues. I hope Kingos gladly welcome our evolution with open arms.

In addition to the Editorial, every section of the SKT offers endless opportunities for reporters to delve deeply into various topics. To all Kingos who hold a passion for writing, why not consider becoming a part of the SKT this semester? Our recruiting will be held from August 28th to September 10th. Become a reporter of the SKT, and empower yourself to be a writer who can touch the hearts of readers. The opportunity is open to all the Kingos who are ready to bring their writings to life!

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