NATO’s Door Shut towards Ukraine

  • Reporter. 김단영
  • 입력 2023.08.28 20:25
  • 수정 2023.08.28 20:37
2023 NATO Summit (
2023 NATO Summit (

On July 12th, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. This summit disclosed the prospect of Ukraine and NATO relations. First, NATO released a superficially positive joint statement: “We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO.” Through this statement, NATO promised to exempt requirements for membership and establish the NATO-Ukraine Council. However, it seems that this statement is not much different from the statement of the 2008 Summit and does not hold any significance greater than a perfunctory action. Even President Biden of the United States told CNN two days before the summit, “I do not think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family, at this moment, in the middle of a war.” Such an inactive attitude of NATO is analyzed as the result of a collective defense through which they respond to attacks towards their allies. This is because if Ukraine, a country at war, joins NATO, the NATO nations will most certainly become involved in an active conflict with Russia. International relations experts view NATO’s cautious stance as reflective of an implicit compromise between the Western power and Russia to prevent a direct clash. Regarding such delay in joining NATO, President Zelensky of Ukraine commented during a press conference, “We can state that the results of the summit are good, but if there had been an invitation, they would have been perfect.”

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