Make It Simple

  • Reporter. 박성결
  • 입력 2023.09.27 21:08

Autumn, a season of contemplation, has drawn near to us. As I stroll through the streets painted with crimson leaves, I wonder what I truly desire to do. Unlike my youthful days, filled with boundless dreams and yearnings, I now wrestle with numerous restrictions in pursuing my ambitions — a bitter yet clear marker of my transition into adulthood.

Becoming an adult holds substantial meaning in one's life. For some, being a grown-up symbolizes liberation from restraints, while for others, it may emerge as a fear of the unknown. However, one thing remains certain — we must make our own decisions. As adults, we are on our own, and our lives are based on the choices we make.

Whenever I find myself torn between tough choices, I often feel as if I have moved to my naive, younger self. Sometimes, making my own decisions even feels like a burden, especially when they bear a significant impact on others. For instance, every step of publishing the Sungkyun Times (SKT) requires making difficult decisions. As the editor-in-chief of the SKT, I must direct the regular meetings and carefully edit every article in the issue, requiring me to make significant judgments. While situations may vary to some extent, I believe that most Kingos in their early 20s would have suffered from similar dilemmas as I have.

Regarding these dilemmas, I have adopted a quite straightforward approach: "Make it simple." As passionate young individuals, we tend to get disturbed by the things surrounding us. However, do not let them get to you. Just follow your heart and trust your intuition, and then the solution might unexpectedly present itself. Whenever you are lost amid countless crossroads, remember that the path is always near you.

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