Mudjima Crimes Threaten Public Safety

  • Reporter. 조연지
  • 입력 2023.09.26 10:08
  • 수정 2023.09.27 21:08
The Police Patrolling to Prevent the Stabbing (
The Police Patrolling to Prevent the Stabbing (

The simultaneous and random knife attacks called Mudjima that happened in July and August have instilled a sense of fear among some citizens. The Mudjima, which means “do not ask why” in Korean, is a particular type of crime towards unspecified individuals without a specific motive or target. On July 21st, a disturbing incident occurred at Sillim Station where one man stabbed and killed one person and injured three others. Additionally, on August 3rd, a similar stabbing incident occurred at Seohyeon Station that resulted in one fatality and 13 injuries. While the news about crimes on the streets induced fear in the public, anonymous online forewarnings about Mudjima crimes further heightened public anxiety. According to the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) Cyber Bureau, 354 postings of murder announcements were received, and 149 people who posted crime announcements were arrested as of August 14th. However, these postings reminded people of the actual incidents, leading to increased public anxiety. As the public’s fear of Mudjima grew, the police declared a state of special security for the first time. Yoon Hee-geun, the commissioner general of the KNPA, stated, “We will respond firmly to irresponsible and indiscriminate cyber announcements and unfounded fake news without exceptions.”

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