Panda Diplomacy: A Diplomacy for the Better?

  • Reporter. 정세진
  • 입력 2023.10.30 12:22
  • 수정 2023.10.30 12:40
Fu Bao, Our Forever Baby Panda (
Fu Bao, Our Forever Baby Panda (

Recently, with the news of South Korea’s Furincess, Fu Bao, returning to China, there has been a growing sense of interest in panda diplomacy. Panda diplomacy refers to China leasing its giant pandas to friendly nations as a tool of diplomacy. Here, leasing implies that the pandas must be returned to China for mating when they reach maturity at the age of four. This is simply because, by law, all pandas are owned by China. Panda diplomacy has been a successful tool of diplomacy, using the positive image of pandas as a way of promoting China’s international image. The history of panda diplomacy can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty in 685 A.D. However, the term “panda diplomacy” was specified since the former United States (U.S.) President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972. Japan’s panda Xiang Xiang also positively contributed to Japan-China relations, making a unique contribution to friendly relations between the two countries. In fact, panda diplomacy has become one of China’s most successful tools of public diplomacy.

It is clear that South Korea is also under the positive effects of panda diplomacy. Ai Bao and Le Bao, the giant pandas exported for loan in 2016, first entered the country to celebrate Everland Theme Park’s 40th anniversary. Since the birth of Fu Bao, the first panda cub born between Ai Bao and Le Bao in 2020, Everland has experienced unprecedented popularity. Today, the Bao family attracts over 7,000 tourists daily and has easily become the mascot of Everland. Their fame extends beyond the theme park; these pandas have also gone viral on social media. In short, the Bao family are nationwide stars. However, there has been a growing sense of disappointment and opposition since news circulated that Fu Bao, affectionately called Furincess, must return to China next year for mating. 

The opposition to Fu Bao’s return to China emerged due to her strong bond with the zookeepers in Panda World, Everland. Kang Cheol-won and Song Yeong-kwan, the loving zookeepers, dedicated themselves with care, developing a deep connection with the pandas. Their beautiful interactions called for many voices of support and led to opposition to Fu Bao’s return, even within China. However, the fundamental reason for the opposition lies in suspicions of panda maltreatment in China. Recently, Lin Bing, a panda that returned from Taiwan, was observed being maltreated at Bifengxia Panda Base, Ya’an, Sichuan. Ai Bao, Fu Bao’s mother, was also subject to maltreatment in China. These public revelations have heightened concerns about Fu Bao’s return.

It would be ideal if the Bao family could remain with their caring zookeepers, but realistically, this seems unlikely. Zookeeper Kang could not hide his emotions, saying, “Fu Bao will always be my baby panda,” but asserted to the public that “pandas have their way of life” and that “living the ‘panda life’ would be the best for them.” Although the coming farewell is despairing, wish luck for a better “panda life” for Fu Bao!

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