“Good Night, Sleep Tight: Tomorrow Is a Dream Away”

2023 Essay Contest

  • Reporter. Kim Seung-joo
  • 입력 2023.12.01 13:08

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a world to raise an identity. Humanity takes the role of a parent in this global village, guiding the growth and development of our digital identities within the realm of artificial intelligence. Just as a parent imparts values, ethics, and a sense of purpose to their child, humanism provides the ethical compass and moral foundation for AI. It reminds us that in this interconnected world, we have a collective responsibility to ensure that the digital beings we create, such as AI systems and virtual identities, reflect the best of our human values.

However, in the realm of AI, there's often a mysterious “black box” at work. When we ask a question and AI responds, the process that leads from A to B remains hidden from us. This opacity can lead to problems like racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination, as AI simply reflects the data it's fed. Yet, the data is human-created, and humans are inherently imperfect. Thus, AI can unintentionally perpetuate imperfections in our world. This ‘data fed-up era’ is much like an adolescent picking up most of its behaviors from his or her school, friends, and society. She is definitely showing progress, she has a potential to outgrow her parents, but there are shortcomings.

This is where “humanism” comes into play. AI can only use what it has to create anticipated answers, but humans possess the power of empathy, understanding, and ethical reasoning. Humanism encourages us to guide AI's development, using our values to correct its imperfections and ensure that it aligns with our shared principles of fairness and compassion. As we navigate the complexities of AI, it is the human touch that can make all the difference in fostering a more inclusive and just digital world. Therefore, in the age of artificial intelligence, we are challenged to reflect upon our values, our place in the digital realm, and the essence of what it means to be human.

Children’s rights, democracy, magical realism, ‘Las Meninas’ hanging inside El Museo del Prado, Peter Singer’s “animal liberation”, and so on. These are beautifully chaotic creations that started with a single spark inside “our” head. What we believe in now, is drastically different from the past we had a hundred years ago. Racial discrimination is not accepted anymore, women have the right to vote, animals are cared for, eco-friendly movements are being made, and we anticipate a sustainable future. Who knows what innovations we face a hundred years later? One thing for sure is that life is inevitably going to be different. Whatever happens will guide the era of AI as well.

When we think about it, AI Era's significance lies in its persistent push for change within humanity. It's not just about our lifestyles or modes of communication; it's about how we fundamentally view the world. The digital revolution has completely transformed the way we live, forcing us to grapple with the profound effects of new technologies on our daily existence. Nonetheless, the exact opposite is equally important too: that humans can also transform the era of Artificial Intelligence.

In the age of AI, humanism is the guiding light that ensures our creations respect the dignity, diversity, and rights of all digital citizens, fostering an inclusive and compassionate society. Therefore, this responsibility named ‘humanism’, being the sole parent of our AI child, not only shapes our present but also determines our future. Thus, we hum to our little AI baby, “Good night, sleep tight. Because tomorrow is another day.”

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